Women everywhere are having or have had issues with vaginal stretching to due to childbirth, or simply aging. Feel confident with your ‘pre-baby’ body with ThermiVa™ in Manchester, NH and the Greater Boston area with vConfidence certified doctor.
Women, at any age, want to feel in control and confident in their body, especially when it comes to intimacy. ThermiVA™ is a non-surgical, non-hormonal, and non-invasive vaginal tightening treatment utilizing radiofrequency energy to gently heat tissue to rejuvenate collagen.
What is the Procedure for ThermiVA™ in Manchester, NH?
The radio frequency (RF) energy is sent to the desired area, either internally or externally while heating the tissue and stimulating the body’s own collagen production. ThermiVA™ utilizes radio frequency to increase sensitivity in the lateral and posterior walls. For certain treatments where the lower temperature of the RF energy is adequate to meet the treatment goals, ThermiVA™ may be recommended. But just as often, depending on your symptoms, newer technologies like vConfidence utilizing FemTouch™, Intima, Viveve® Geneveve®, or Femilift™ can provide a better treatment option to achieve longer lasting results for issues such as vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, laxity, stress urinary incontinence or urinary tract infections ThermiVa™ is not for patients who are currently pregnant. Most treatments with ThermiVA™ can be achieved in three short sessions that 30 to 60 minutes each. ThermiVa™ is performed in those three treatments evenly spaced out over the course of three months. With no discomfort or pain, you will have your confidence back in no time.
ThermiVA™ can help you feel like your old self again, especially when it comes to intimacy. Contact a vConfidence Certified Doctor in Manchester, NH and throughout the Greater Boston area today to get a consultation.
Jeanne Goley, NP is the Medical Director and Pelle Medical Spa in Manchester, New Hampshire. She holds a Master’s of Science from the University of South Alabama. Jeanne treats a variety of women’s health conditions by utilizing fractional CO2 technologies. Jeanne Goley has studies ThermiVA™ and radiofrequency energy to help women everywhere feel confident.